Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
78.84 °F

Meditation & Yoga with Shanti

  • Day & Time: On request

  • Classes: Meditation & Mindfulness  

  • Duration: 60 Minutes 

  • Location: Wellness Hut 

  • Teacher: Shanti Augusta 

In a Nutshell

Shanti is a very special teacher who will make you feel even more special. She is one of the most authentic people you will ever meet and her magical aura is an experience to be recommended on its own. Shanti walks the talk of serenity and mindfulness and has so much to share with you. Next to her many years of experience as a yoga and meditation teacher she keeps educating herself to provide you with the best skill set you could ask for. She will show you how to reconnect with yourself during either one of her sessions and leave you feeling re- energized and re- centered.  

Why you need this Class and what it does for you


Meditation is the foundation of mental health and the key to expand into your fullest potential. It can show you the path to who you are truly meant to be, if you are willing to do the inner work and let go of old limiting beliefs. It can bring out your fearless and loving self so you can live the life you envision for yourself. If you intend to reduce your stress levels, an attention training practice can gently purify the nervous system from the built up stress of daily life, allowing you to live with more awareness and clarity of mind and make wiser and more nourishing choices.

Next to its stress releasing properties, meditation is also known for its curative powers, meaning that the nervous system can sustain its acquired balance regardless of external circumstances. This balance, also called homeostasis in scientific terms, can help peace be your normal way of being.


Learn effective mindfulness practices to reduce anxiety, increase sense of wellbeing and improve your connection with others. Receive practical tools to apply daily to live with more ease and fulfillment. Appreciate and consciously live every moment of this beautiful journey called life.

The Instructor

“ Teaching is about passing on Light, Wisdom and Love, like a flame lighting another. ” Shanti is a well known and revered teacher of yoga and meditation on the island of Aruba. She has been teaching full time for 20 years wholeheartedly and is dedicated to promoting healing and harmony in the community. She believes the world is a mirror of our inner state. " As we enlighten ourselves the whole world becomes a brighter place " ~ Shanti. I consider myself an old fashioned Enlightenment seeker. Since childhood I remember playing ” awareness games ” and feeling strongly pulled to the natural world. I spent most of my playtime outside and I would question modern world affairs. In my younger adult years, intense suffering led me to spend a considerable amount of time self searching. I started exploring yoga and I was impressed with its healing and transformational powers. This led me to complete my first Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2002 and I have been teaching ever since. Now 20 years later I have taught over 4000 classes and I am still loving it and growing with it. Teaching a class is about passing on Light, Wisdom and Love, like a flame lighting another, effortlessly and humbly. I keep my flame burning with my daily meditation, plenty of time in nature, connecting with my friends and family and through building community. I believe cultivating self mastery and liberation from worldly fixations are essential to lead fulfilled lives. Let’s support and uplift each other on this grand adventure called life. “Your health & inner peace are sacred and a gift to the world ” ~ Shanti