Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
87.53 °F
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#1 Resort for Romance TripAdvisor
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Selfie Eagle Beach
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2020 Health and Safety Measures

Esteemed guests,

Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort is committed to maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation within our operation during the COVID-19 situation to provide protection for our guests and associates.

Bucuti & Tara has been an ISO, HACCP and Travel Life certified resort for many years and has always brought a heightened level of safety and security into our operation for both our guests and our associates alike.

With the current Covid-19 pandemic, we have added another level of protection. We are committed to follow guidelines from WHO, PAHO, CDC and Dutch and Aruban Health Authorities which are specifically designed to provide safety in these times.

Measures added include the following procedures, policies and protocols:

  • Safe social-distance protocols. No physical contact, including handshakes and hugs. 
  • We have introduced “Guest self-help” processes for check-in and all guest services in order to maintain a safe social distance and sterile keys and documentation.
  • Social distance comes natural to us, with our well spaced out beach and facilities is possible throughout the resort due to our smaller size, our few floors as a low-rise resort and the ability to use stairways in addition to elevators to allow you personal space at all times.
  • All public areas such as the restaurant, bar, beach and lobbies are configured for privacy and social distance.  Those of you who have been guests in the past know this to be standard.
  • Hand sanitizing gel-stations are present in public areas and in every guestroom.
  • EPA approved sanitizing, cleaning & disinfecting products are used to sanitize of all checkout rooms including over 50 touch points including:
    • All door handles, main door, closet door, balcony door and ALL pull handles, Iron handle, hangers, and luggage rack, microwave, water faucets, fridge handle, TV desk and remote controls, dresser drawer handle, light switches and thermostat, IPad, makeup mirror switch, safe box handle and keypad, drapery pull handles, Telephone and keypad, reading light switches, alarm clock, safety latches and peephole, trash receptacle, sink faucets and toilet handles, seat and cover, sink counter, TV remote control, hairdryer, weight-scale, light switches, towel dispenser handle, soap and lotion dispenser push plates, trash receptacle touchpoints, telephone set and keypad, lamp switches, air purifier and dehumidifier switches, center table, light switches.
    • After all touchpoints have been disinfected and sanitized, we have proceeded to disinfect and sanitize the entire floor in your room.
    • All Guestrooms are completely disinfected and sanitized prior to check-in.
  • Deep preventative cleaning of all public areas on a continuous, regulated basis and sanitation of all touchpoints including public door handles, elevator buttons, telephone sets, handrails, etc.
  • High standards of cleaning and sanitation are in place in our laundry operations

2020 Health and Safety Measures


Aruba is a Dutch Island, equipped with sophisticated healthcare facilities and professional and expert healthcare experts.  And, as leaders within the tourism community in Aruba, we are fully informed, and we have full confidence in the public & private sector partnership managing this situation together.

Please contact us with any questions you may have:

  • Dial zero (0) directly from your room to contact our Concierge team
  • E-Mail us at concierge@bucuti.com

We wish you a wonderful, healthy, and relaxing visit.


Ewald Biemans