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Diet Dilemma - What is Healthy?

Diet Dilemma - What is Healthy?

I am Isabel Struve-Rasmijn, Bucuti’s Full-Time Wellness Specialist and a certified Nutritionist. My job is to help you embark on a healthier way of life during your time with us and beyond. At Bucuti, our optional wellness program is completely personalized for each participant, incorporating nutrition, fitness, mental wellbeing, and mindfulness.

One of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle is the food you eat. However, so many different diets are currently being pushed in the media that it is hard to tell what path to take in the quest for optimal health.
Should you go paleo, try the Whole 30, give up meat and dairy products….or are they all nothing more than passing fads? When scientists give contradicting opinions, documentaries make sensationalist claims, and social media influencers share their personal ideas - no matter how bizarre -who do you trust?
The answer is different for everyone, but there are a few things to keep in mind when considering a new approach to eating.
First and foremost, it is important to think of your diet as a long-term lifestyle choice rather than a quick fix solution. If you want to have more energy, think more clearly, maintain an ideal weight, or achieve an overall sense of wellbeing, you need to be dedicated to eating the right foods…all the time. It can be tempting to revert to your old ways, but being committed to improving your health is essential if you want lasting results.
Secondly, remember that each and every thing you eat, drink, and breathe impacts your overall health. No matter big or small, the substances you come into contact with day in and day out are interconnected with your body. Consuming healthy and wholesome meals, avoiding processed foods and extra sugar, or giving up smoking will inevitably improve how you feel, no matter what diet you are following.
With this in mind, I have compiled a few tips to help you navigate your way toward a healthy way of eating that supports your wellness goals:
Consult a Professional
The best way to design a dietary plan that works for you is to consult a professional. If you are visiting soon, Bucuti’s wellness program is a great place to start! As a qualified nutritionist, I can provide a complete evaluation and work with you to determine specific goals, design a customized meal plan, and even provide you with recipes to make at home. Consulting with a professional is also important if you want to change your diet to combat medical conditions such as allergies, migraines or acid reflux. I will take a holistic look at your body, lifestyle, medical issues, and overall fitness level and determine the types of foods, frequency of meals, and portion sizes that will help you reach your goals in the healthiest way, and most importantly, make you feel better!
Remember That One Size Does Not Fit All
Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and everyone’s chemistry works differently, so a diet that works for one person may not work for another. During a nutrition counseling session, I will develop a diet strategy that is in sync with your body. The talented team at our Elements restaurant will then cater to your specific dietary needs at breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout your stay.
Listen To Your Body
Once you have decided upon a dietary plan, give it a test run. Try it out for a week and see if it really works for you. This should be enough time for you to experience the initial benefits and determine if you will be able to stick with it long term. Be honest with yourself. If you start with a particular diet at Bucuti and it just isn’t working, simply contact me or a nutritionist at home, and together options can be evaluated. As Bucuti’s resident Wellness Specialist, I am committed to making your transition into a new lifestyle approach as successful as possible and will provide tips that will help make the process easier for you. It may take some time to find the best, most effective approach, so have patience and believe in yourself. It will be worth it in the long run!
If you are interested in kickstarting a new lifestyle during your next stay at Bucuti, please email me at wellness@bucuti.com to learn more about how we can work together.
With peace, love, happiness, and health….naturally,
Isabel Struve-Rasmjn
Wellness Specialist