Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
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Its not always easy being, green but it pays off

It’s not always easy being green, but it pays off
As many of you know, we are passionate about the environment here at Bucuti and have been ever since I opened the doors in 1987. While “sustainable” and “eco-friendly” are certainly buzzwords in the travel industry today, many shades of “green” exist. 
At Bucuti, we walk the walk. We are committed to conservation of our natural resources because, without them, we ourselves would face imminent extinction. Aruba has no industry – no manufacturing, no agriculture, no exports – but we do have one spectacular natural resource: our environment. Because of this, it’s of paramount importance that we protect and preserve this resource so that future generations can thrive on our island home, and locals and visitors alike can enjoy our white sandy beaches, pristine oceans and reefs, unique fauna and flora..... and eternal sunshine for years to come. 
While the environmental programs at some resorts go only as far as not washing the towels daily, at Bucuti, we’ve done everything possible diminish your carbon footprint. In fact, it’s likely that you are actually consuming less energy on vacation than at home. How is this possible? Through the three basic principles of conservation: reduce, reuse, recycle. 
REDUCE: Our energy efficient equipment ensures controlled cooling of guestrooms. Twenty percent of the resort’s electricity is wind generated. All of the resort’s water is heated using solar power. LED lighting is used wherever possible, lowering consumption by up to 80 percent. 
REUSE: Nearly everything, everywhere at Bucuti is reusable including glass, china and silverware. Practically no plastics made of hydrocarbons are used and the few disposables are made of cornstarch or sugarcane and biodegrade as compost. For many years, Bucuti has used vegetable oil to manufacture soap and, since 2008, has used it to produce diesel fuel. Detergents used are biodegradable and add sustenance to our gardens. We even reuse bath and sink water through a greywater system and re-use it to irrigate the resort grounds. 
RECYCLE: We recycle and reuse 60 to 70 percent of our guests’ disposed trash - glass, aluminum, paper, carton oils and grease. You name it, it’s recycled. 
Our environmental efforts are in place for the better good of Aruba and its people, and we further support the local economy by sourcing products on-island whenever possible. The only bottled water and beer available at Bucuti is produced locally from companies that reuse bottles. Soap, shampoo and lotion come from Aruba Aloe, the best aloe in the world, which is grown and bottled locally. We also promote local entertainers, arts and crafts and activities as well as serving traditional Aruban foods.  
We want you, as our guest, and our associates to feel a genuine connection to the island culture, and some of the money we save goes toward programs that make this possible. For example, all of our associates receive a complimentary pass to Arikok National Park annually. Associates who find new ways to save resources receive a portion of the money saved as an end-of-year bonus. The rest of the funds saved are allocated toward sponsorship of local environmental causes. Some of the groups we work closely with are TurtugAruba Sea Turtle Foundation, WIDECAST, Animal Rights Aruba, Bubali Bird Sanctuary and Donkey Sanctuary Aruba. It’s no secret that we’re animal lovers! If you “like” us on Facebook, you’ll meet the newest flying member of our family, an Aruban Prikichi named Jessie who was recently rescued by some of our guests. We also help sponsor veterinary certificates and kennels for guests wishing to adopt Aruban Cunucu dogs and cats. 
A lot of work and dedication goes in to providing an environmentally-friendly, carbon neutral environment, but it’s well worth it. In addition to maintaining Aruba’s status as a premier tourist destination, our environmental program also keeps you safe and saves you money. Our environmental certifications ensure safety standards for food and drink, and our all natural cleaning supplies eliminate potentially harmful chemicals you as our guest could be exposed to. No bleach, ammonia, abrasives or other hazardous chemicals will ever be part of the cleaning process at Bucuti; only vinegar, borax, citrus and olive oils salts and other natural pure ingredients are used. 

But back to the savings. Being green equals greenbacks in everyone’s pockets. Our environmental programs allow us to keep rates low as we are saving on energy costs and are exempt from energy surcharges or resort fees in place elsewhere to cover consumption costs. So, when considering Bucuti & Tara Beach Resorts for your next vacation, be sure to keep in mind how widespread the benefits of being green truly are.