Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
79.65 °F
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Photo Contest Winner - Dr. Christine Biondi

Photo Contest Winner - Dr. Christine Biondi

With over 800 photos from 12 countries, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for all our guests who shared their memories with us!  Repeat guest Dr. Christine Biondi is this year's winner with one of several of her entries.  It is of one of our palms just after sunrise and its shadow appearing like an early morning stretch. You can find many more of Dr. Biondi's beautiful photos on her Instagram page @crbiondi08 

Choosing a winner was challenging because of the many amazing entries. 

Some of you included personal stories from past visits and one of our most touching was this one Mr. Christopher Spickerman.  His photo entry is seen below:

"People often ask me why I go on vacation to the same spot and I always tell them it’s because of the workers and the hospitality they provide. This is an example. A guest arrived in a wheelchair. The person with him pushed him to the edge of the beach but they came to realize they wouldn’t be able to get to the water through the sand. The workers at the resort sprang into action and before she could turn around to ask for help, they each had a side of the chair carrying him to the water. Once they were done swimming, she put him back in the chair and before he was even dried off the guys were offering a ride back to the hotel. The truest form of love and generosity right there. That is what you get in Aruba."  

We learned that acts of kindness and service can happen unnoticed and we were so grateful to Mr. Spickerman who allowed us to properly recognize all the team members in the photo for being the extraordinary people they are.

While we wish we could share all the photos and would like all entrants to know that we loved them all!   We have chosen a few to share with you here and we have started a web gallery on our website to keep adding photos from the contest.  We will add be adding more over the coming weeks.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
