Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
85.73 °F
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Pledge to preserve Aruba's beauty for future generations

Pledge to preserve Aruba's beauty for future generations

The beauty of Aruba lies in nature.  The translucent turquoise ocean thrives with colorful living coral, tropical fish, giant sea turtles and we can enjoy the view of it from powder white sand beaches.  Our outback or Cunucu in our native Papiamento is home to hundreds of birds, reptiles, donkeys, goats and flowering cacti.  One can enjoy a sunrise from the centuries-formed sand dunes on the north coast and see white sprays of ocean crashing on a rocky shore.

All of this is fragile and cannot be taken for granted.  Without conscious living and protection, all of this beauty can cease to exist and we know this because we see the scars of destruction already happening.

We are not alone with our concern and residents and visitors from around the world are joining in a movement to legislate protection so that future generations of Arubans and visitors can savor all the beauty our island has to offer.  We hope you will support our pledge to help us clearly communicate to our legislators, the need for their support and action.   Sign HERE