Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
79.05 °F
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Survey - Wellness Itinerary planning survey

We look forward to welcoming you to Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort! Our Wellness Concierge team stands by to pre-plan wellness options for your upcoming stay.

We have several free sessions each week, please read here for the schedule. Sign up with our Wellness Concierge: wellness@bucuti.com in advance of your stay, space is limited to 8 participants per course. Sign up early.

The survey below will help us make recommendations and give options personalized to your preferences in addition to the free sessions. Once you fill out the areas of this form of interest to you, we will come back with a list of options for you to choose from with prices and more information, with no obligation.

Level of activity:
Tai Chi & Qi Gong:
Personal Trainer & Fitness Training
Pilates (for details on Pilates options stated below, see our catalog)
Healing Sessions: